Words: Nanna Pedersen

How to store, dispose and recycle your paint.

This article is a quick guide on how to best store, dispose and recycle paint and how you take care of your tools in a sustainable way, until the next time you need to paint.

Words: Nanna Pedersen

This article is a quick guide on how to best store, dispose and recycle paint and how you take care of your tools in a sustainable way, until the next time you need to paint.

What to do with leftover paint & how to clean your tools 

We have made a conscious choice to only sell our paint in 2 liters pouches to hopefully avoid having too much leftover paint. We do this for several reasons: It’s better for your finances, it’s better for the planet and you aren’t left with tons of extra paint that take up all your storing space. We all know it too well: Different colours and huge 9-liters paint cans take up quite a bit of space.

If you wish to save your paint, simply close the lid carefully and store it away from direct sunlight in a frost-free place. The less oxygen is left in the bag the better it lasts after it has been opened. Under the right conditions, our paint can be stored for 1-2 years, so you can easily paint a matching chair or do a touch-up if you feel like it. Make sure to shake the pouch when you decide to bring the paint back out. 

High-quality tools are designed and developed to be used time and time again by professional painters. This means that if you purchased tools of high quality (like ours), and you clean them well, you have got friends for life. Remove as much paint as possible from your tools and clean them with warm water and regular liquid dish soap before storing them.

How to dispose and recycle paint 

It is pretty simple. Your drain does not like paint. Depending on the country, paint is classified differently, but in most countries, paint is classified as hazardous waste. This means if you wish to dispose of your paint environmentally correct, you need to dispose of it as “hazardous waste” at a recycling station or your hazardous waste solution at home. This also applies if you used all the paint in the pouch.